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Post-Doc Motivic invariants of algebraic varieties

As part of the project I-Site AAP2-PB-B project, « Motivic invariants of algebraic varieties », the mathematics laboratory of Dijon is recruiting a post-doctoral fellow. The recruited person will join the research team « Géométrie et système dynamiques » on the themes of Algebraic Geometry in the broad sense, with a more specialized component on affine varieties, moduli spaces, motivic homotopy theory and derived categories.

Keywords: Algebraic Geometry, Moduli Problems, Motivic Homotopy, Derived Categories

Host Laboratory: Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne – UMR 5584 CNRS
Université de Bourgogne
9 avenue Alain Savary
BP 47870
21078 DIJON Cedex – FRANCE

Contract duration: 12 months

Starting date: 02/09/2019


How to apply

To apply, please send to Frédéric Déglise ( the following documents:

  • CV with list of publications
  • Research project with motivation for this position

Letter(s) of recommendation are welcomed and can be sent to same address.

Deadline for submission: 15/05/2019 23:00 – Europe/Brussels


Contact Information Organisation/Company : Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté – UBFC
Organisation Type : Higher Education Institute
E-Mail :


As part of the project I-Site AAP2-PB-B project, "Motivic invariants of algebraic varieties", the mathematics laboratory of Dijon


As part of the project I-Site AAP2-PB-B project, "Motivic invariants of algebraic varieties", the mathematics laboratory of Dijon is recruiting a post-doctoral fellow. The recruited person will join the research team "Géométrie et système dynamiques" on the themes of Algebraic Geometry in the broad sense, with a more specialized component on affine varieties, moduli spaces, motivic homotopy theory and derived categories.

Keywords: Algebraic Geometry, Moduli Problems, Motivic Homotopy, Derived Categories

Host Laboratory: Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne - UMR 5584 CNRS
Université de Bourgogne
9 avenue Alain Savary
BP 47870
21078 DIJON Cedex - FRANCE

Contract duration: 12 months

Starting date: 02/09/2019


How to apply

To apply, please send to Frédéric Déglise ( the following documents:

  • CV with list of publications
  • Research project with motivation for this position

Letter(s) of recommendation are welcomed and can be sent to same address.

Deadline for submission: 15/05/2019 23:00 - Europe/Brussels


Contact Information Organisation/Company : Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté - UBFC
Organisation Type : Higher Education Institute
E-Mail :